We are looking for a talented motion designer who will join the ranks of our two departments - graphics and video. > several successful projects behind you,
> independence,
> ability to visualize projects,
> Adobe After Effects,
> Photoshop,
> Illustrator Cinema 4D Scrum, daily meetings, milestones The most convenient for you :) Full-time or part-time (minimum 20h / week) - Remote / hybrid / stationary work - to choose from!
- Sports card
- Private medical care
- Work in the work-life balance or work-life fit system
- Needed training
- Day off on birthday
- Menstrual leave
- Unforgettable neway integrations
- A throw into deep water with the belaying of the best dudes ;)
Do you write great texts, but are you looking for a place that you will treat as home? Grab a glass of milk and sit comfortable. > ability to write and plan texts for SEO,
> extensive experience in writing texts (> 3 years),
> using the boards (Trello, Monday, ClickUp),
> perfect work organization,
> strong and profound reaserch,
> constant contact with SEO team when creating content on blogs,
> native English,
> knowledge of Google Analytics > SEMRush
> another language Scrum, daily meetings, milestones The most convenient for you :)
Full-time or part-time (minimum 20h / week) - Remote / hybrid / stationary work - to choose from!
- Sports card
- Private medical care
- Work in the work-life balance or work-life fit system
- Needed training
- Day off on birthday
- Menstrual leave
- Unforgettable neway integrations
- A throw into deep water with the belaying of the best dudes ;)